Neighbor Profile: Kirsten Hoffman
We are launching a new series of posts that spotlight different neighbors from around West Towson. It is our collection of interesting residents which makes West Towson a unique neighborhood. I hope you like getting to know your neighbors!
What street do you live on?
West Joppa Road.
How long have you lived in West Towson?
22 years.
What is something that makes you an interesting neighbor?
For the past 2 years, I have served as one of the tree stewards for West Towson / Southland Hills neighborhoods along with Jen Tobian. As a tree steward, I spend some of my spare time supporting a greener West Towson. The tree steward program is run by volunteers from the Green Towson Alliance and through Blue Water Baltimore, a non-profit who coordinates the ordering and planting of the trees. Through grants, they provide our neighborhood discounted native trees and a crew of volunteers to plant trees on any resident's property.
My favorite part of my role is when I get to meet residents and share my passion for native trees. Anyone interested in ordering a native tree can contact me (and Jen) at We can help choose the best tree for your specific conditions. Whether it's enhancing curb appeal, reducing energy bills with more shade, or restoring the forested feel of West Towson, I love the process of hearing what someone wants, designing a plan, being there on the planting day, and then checking in over the years as their vision takes root (pun intended).
What do you love about West Towson?
I love how we are continuing to restore that traditional West Towson feel which for me means big shade trees being a prominent feature of the neighborhood. Canopy shade trees provide so many benefits for us. They help collect and keep water in our neighborhood after big storms while helping keep pollution out of the Chesapeake Bay. They provide food and nesting sites for native pollinators and wildlife.
Anyone who is passionate about trees knows the saying, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." Over the 10 years that this program has been active in West Towson, we have planted hundreds of trees trees with more than 50 trees planted last year. Residents who buy trees understand the long term investment in our neighborhood that they are making and are moving forward with projects even if they don't plan to stay in the neighborhood forever.
What’s your favorite native tree?
Choosing a favorite native tree is always a tough one as all the native trees have attributes to recommend them for the right site. The tree I planted most recently and find that I recommend a lot is the black gum (or black tupelo), nyssa sylvatica. I planted one 2 years ago and its red tipped foliage - even on a new small tree - is a wonderful addition to the landscape. It has great red fall color also and being a medium sized tree is perfect for a neighborhood like ours where many homes have smaller lots.
How do I hear more or contact you if I'm interested?
Send an email to We are taking tree orders through August 31st.