What a Summer

Summer in West Towson slows down a bit as the school buses become scarce and neighbors slip off to their vacations. However, there was still plenty going on around the neighborhood. Here are some highlights of several great activities taking place in and around our neighborhood.

West Towson Community Yard Sale: the marquee event to wrap up the summer had to be the West Towson Community Yard Sale where over 20 households from around the neighborhood came together to sell their wares. We had many visitors from within and outside the neighborhood see what a tightknit, unique community we were while providing an opportunity to find new homes for hidden treasures from around the neighborhood.

Neighborhood Pulse Survey: for the first time, the West Towson Neighborhood Association launched a Pulse Survey to understand areas where we’re serving the community well and opportunities to improve the support of West Towson. The results are being processed and there’s a tremendous amount of appreciation for every one of the 200+ survey responses. We hope to share what we learn over the coming months.

Dinosaur Playground Update: we owe a thank you to our former Board president, Todd Unger, and County Councilman Mike Ertel for their work to prioritize the the resurfacing of the basketball and pickleball courts at the Dinosaur Park.

Raffles, Raffles, and more Raffles: the Board raffled off several of their stylist West Towson travel mugs as a fun way to say thank you to our supporters. AK Parks won for her RSVP to the Egg Hunt, Ashley Kennedy won for being an early responder to the Pulse Survey, while Courtney Martin and Lois Toulotte won for setting up a recurring dues payment on our website.

Rainbows over West Towson: the Facebook post says it all!

All about safety: Captain Sam Houston from the Towson Police precinct has been very engaged with our community. He attended our Annual Meeting in May and based on the request from our Board, Captain Houston has helped step up speeding and stop sign enforcement around the neighborhood. With school back in session we’re hoping to keep our youngest neighbors safe as they navigate the neighborhood. If speeding or other traffic infractions are posing a particular problem for young ones in our area, please use or contact form to alert us. We’ll pass on the message.

We hope you enjoyed your summer as much as we did. The Board is looking forward to our upcoming events including Truck-or-Treat, the Holiday Home Decorating Contest, and Santa Coming to West Towson. RSVP for the events now to let us know how many people to expect. Otherwise, we want to send you a hearty thank you for all your engagement and support. We on the Board strive to foster a friendly, fun, and neighborly camaraderie among residents.


President’s corner: Multiuse Court


Pickleball anyone?