President’s Message

I recently became president of the West Towson Neighborhood Association following the Todd Unger’s resignation. We greatly appreciate Todd’s contributions to WTNA and wish him well going forward.

A quick introduction: Our family moved to West Towson in 1997. Both sons went to Rodgers Forge Elementary (WTES was just a dream at the time), Dumbarton Middle, Towson High. My wife Pam and I are both retired. When we’re not traveling, enjoying films, or walking the neighborhood I enjoy coaching the chess team at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute (aka “Poly”).

I’m pretty sure what brought my family to West Towson, and what keeps us here, we share with most of you: an attractive neighborhood blessed with green space, a sense of community, good schools, and a great location. Ensuring, even enhancing, these qualities is what WTNA is all about.

I’ve had the honor of serving on the West Towson board for five years. My biggest lesson during this time: This is a busy group! My primary attention recently has been paying attention to development projects in our immediate area and advocacy with local officials. And there’s so much more WTNA does including holiday activities (Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, Santa on a firetruck), Dumpster Day, our annual meeting with elected representatives, a variety of special events, our newsletter, social media communications, and others. All board members are volunteers and we’re always looking for more help. Please reach out if you’re willing to get involved.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you soon at one of our events or during one of my neighborhood walks.


Towson Event: 4 on the 4th 4 mile Run


We have a winner